Cool Tips for Back to School

Can you believe it is already mid-August!? Time flies when you are having summer fun. It is almost time for back to school. Your household is probably getting school supplies and new clothes ready to go. Here are some tips for having a healthy back-to-school season.


1. Schedule a checkup

Having an annual physical exam will make sure your child is healthy before heading back to class. Check your school district for particular requirements. If they are participating in sports they will most likely need to get an exam to be cleared for participation.

2. Get back on a routine

Summer is carefree and relaxed with later bedtimes, sleeping later and no homework. Get your kids back on their school sleep schedule about a week before. This will make the transition easier.

Source: Tater Tots and Jello

Source: Tater Tots and Jello

3. Create a calendar

Having a family schedule will help you juggle sports, family events, school events, chores, appointments and more. Post it in a place visible for all family members.

4. Help with healthy choices

Serve healthy, nutritious foods and pack healthy lunches for school. Make sure to pack lots of protein, veggies, fruits and of course the occasional treat.



5. Practice your routine

Especially if your child is going to a new school it is a great idea to test out what mornings will look like. Will your child be riding the bus? Time out how long it takes to walk to the stop. If you are driving, make the drive to see how far away the school is. Plan for after school and make your child knows where he/she will be going.