This notice is posted to provide you with our general guidelines and practices regarding how we handle your personal health information (PHI). You may request a detailed copy of the federal Hipaa regulations at any time to get more information. But in short, these are our commitments to you:
- Your PHI is always kept in a secure and confidential manner. Charts are not left lying around, and are locked up overnight. All written materials are kept secure, and in an organized fashion.
- Your PHI is only used for healthcare related purposes such as verbal consultations with your referring provider’s office, for obtaining payment on your claim, and other office procedures.
- Any transfer of your PHI, such as via fax or computer, is handled in a professional and confidential manner, with steps taken to ensure that your information is viewed only by those who are directly involved in your care and claim processing.
- Information in your chart is never discussed with anyone not directly involved in your care, and when verbal discussions do take place, only the minimum amount of information is shared. For example, if your claim adjustor is requesting service dates, that is the only information given. We do not volunteer additional, unnecessary information.
- At no time is your personal information shared with an outside party, unless required by law by the police, or in a medical emergency situation.
- Following your massage, we chart information in your file that is related to your claim only. Any information of a personal nature that is shared during the massage session is between you and the therapist. We are here to provide considerate patient care, keeping your best interests at heart.