Self Care: (Noun) the practice of taking an active role in protecting one’s own well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress.
Does this seem like a foreign concept to you? Many of us have a lot on our plates and put the needs of others before our own. If you need a reminder to take care of yourself, consider this it! If we don’t take the time to relax and renew, our wellbeing and health can suffer. Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup. Take some time this month to do things that make you feel good.
Here are a few tips for creating a self-care routine.
#1: Make Sleep a Priority
A good night’s rest is key to having energy to sustain you for your day of activities! If you’ve been staying up late or having trouble sleeping, try and get to bed earlier or adopt a wind down routine before bed. Put electronics away before getting into bed to avoid the temptation to spend another hour scrolling through instead of getting the sleep your body craves! If you are the parent of a newborn or have another that reason sleep has been interrupted, do your best to get in some rest through the day. Easier said than done, we know.
#2: Saying No is Ok
If your schedule is packed and you are stressed to the max, make sure you remind yourself that you CAN say no. Often we say yes because we don’t want to hurt peoples feeling or we feel obligated. Don’t agree to something if you don’t have space on your plate or if you don’t want to. It’s hard, but the more you get in tune to your feelings the more natural it will become overtime.
#3: Organize the Chaos
Forgetting appointments or running late to an event can lead to stress and anxiety. Keeping everything organized will help you make more time for you instead of spending all if your spare minutes searching for something or running around last minute. Keep your planner updated, declutter papers, pack your bags early.
#4: Pencil It In
Add self-care specifically to your to do list and write it in your planner! If you set aside a block of time (even a few minutes!) daily, weekly, or monthly, you will be more likely to do it. Go on a hike, take a bubble bath, read a book, enjoy a massage, get a pedicure… the options are limitless. Choose things that make you happy.
#5 Take Care of Your Body
Neglecting your health and wellness can be one of the dangers of putting self-care at the bottom of your to-do list. Massage therapy is the perfect way to treat yourself and improve your wellbeing. Not only will a massage give you time to yourself, you will see improved mood, decreased anxiety and a reduction of pain. Other ways you can listen to your body for better health can be routine exercise, eating healthy and maintaining check ups or necessary doctors visit/routine health assessments.
Finding the extra time in a busy day may seem daunting. Come up with a plan for making self care a part of your life. You can get up earlier to meditate or enjoy a cup of coffee, try to get a walk in on your lunch hours, or meal prep on weekends so you can enjoy a healthy home cooked meal on weekdays.