Summer Self Care

Summertime is here and many of us are looking forward to slowing down, and enjoying the season. Taking care of yourself during this fun and busy time is important. Here are a few ways to make sure your health and wellness doesn’t suffer this summer.



  1. Take a vacation (or staycation). It is so important for you to take time for yourself . Take some time to do things you enjoy whether this is a vacation to the beach,  a road trip or a day of sight seeing in your own town.
  2. Eat seasonal, local foods. Many healthy fruits and vegetables are in season this month. Visit the farmer’s market to try something new!
  3. Head outside. The Pacific Northwest has many beautiful spots outside. From the water to the hiking trails, there are endless activities perfect for the nice summer weather. Take a walk, and de-stress!
  4. Unplug. Technology can be an addiction. Take a day off, power off your smartphones, tablets, computers, etc. and just enjoy the quiet time and quality time with loved ones. If you can’t completely power down, start small and take a break 1 to 2 hours before bed.
  5. Try something new. Summer is a great time to try a new sport, enjoy a new activities or pick up a hobby.
  6. Enjoy a massage. Take some time to renew your energy and reduce pain with a therapeutic massage.

What is your favorite thing to do in the summer? Share your favorite activity or way to relax with us!